Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Two updates in one quarter? Unspeakable!

Honestly I fully expected this to not be the case. Recently I transferred to the University of Washington and overall it has been a rough transition. The material is more difficult, lectures don't cover as much, I've been losing contact with friends, and to top it off I got into a bicycle accident the week before midterms. Overall it left me feeling really depressed. After a particularly rough day I decided that I was tired of feeling shitty and took the rest of the day off to try and accomplish something.

But enough of that, H.R. Giger died recently so I figured it would be worth doing something to honor that. I'm a big fan of the Alien series but even before I ever watched them, I appreciated the Xenomorph character. I'm a sucker for bizarre, science fiction stuff and Giger's work has been a huge inspiration for the genre. I was also in need of a new profile pic so I went ahead and killed two birds with one stone.